Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Today I have finished the Sprite Animation class using DirectX 11.1. I have taken the shortcut way and had used the DirectX Tool Kit. I was surprised that D3DX has been removed...
The Engine is located here: https://code.google.com/p/directxgameengine/

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

New Updates

I have started the embedded systems series by discussing video game consoles design. Fortunately, after a year or so, I own now a kit that has an ARM Cortex M3 connected by a Graphical LCD.

I have compiled about 4 videos in Arabic explaining the basics of Software Rendering here: 


Here is the kit and the algorithms in action:


I started working on the hardware rendering by writing a small 3D/2D Game Engine using DirectX 11.1 

My plan is to teach a course about it in Arabic.